Trustydog Training Walks

Do you need help implementing your training plans?

We have recently introduced a training walk package to our services. After an initial consultation, we will then come and take your dog for training walks (you are not expected to attend, as if you do this becomes a training consultation and is a different service). 

We will implement the initial training or behaviour modification for your dog - for example we can start to change your dog’s emotional response to triggers, so all you need to do is upkeep and maintain the training; we can practice loose lead walking or recall training skills; you name it - if you have an issue out and about, we can help you.

Please not this is not suitable for issues within the home. It is also not suitable for fear directed aggresion towards unfamiliar people unless you book a behaviour assesment first.

Initial assessment walk £40

Ongoing sessions £20 - however we would suggest booking at least 4 (1 per week) if you truly want to see behaviour change.