Behaviour Packages

For most behaviour problems there is no quick fix or magic bullet solution. In the past I have offered 1:1 training and behaviour consultations on a one off basis, however for long lasting change and improvement there needs to be consistent practices implemented over a period of time. I have found owners will see much more success when they choose a behaviour package where regular 1:1 sessions are scheduled in from the first consultation.

To book your package please click here - please note: if you are not local to Worcestershire and surrounding areas then your package can be delivered remotely or for an additional cost to cover travel fees.

Bronze Package: £210

What’s Included?

  • Initial Consult (Week 1 approx. 2 Hours)

  • 2 x 1 hour follow up one to one sessions (Week 3 and Week 5)

  • Full behavioural write up report

  • Training plan including resources and handouts

  • Unlimited support via WhatsApp/Messenger

  • Additional 1:1 follow up at a reduced rate (Week 6 onwards)

This package is recommended for behaviour issues that are mild to moderate, such as undesirable behaviours beginning to develop; issues with adolescence; mild reactivity etc.

Silver Package: £325

What’s Included?

  • Initial Consult (Week 1 approx. 2 Hours)

  • 4 x 1 hour follow up one to one sessions (Week 3, 5, 7 and 9)

  • Full behavioural write up report

  • Training plan including resources and handouts

  • Unlimited support via WhatsApp/Messenger

  • Additional 1:1 follow up at a reduced rate (Week 10 onwards)

This package is recommended for behaviour issues that are more complex and require more time, or pose a higher risk to individuals involved in the management and training of this behaviour (i.e. cases involving aggression).

Gold Package: £420

What’s Included?

  • Initial Consult (Week 1 approx. 2 Hours)

  • 6 x 1 hour follow up one to one sessions (Week 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12)

  • Full behavioural write up report

  • Training plan including resources and handouts

  • Unlimited support via WhatsApp/Messenger

  • Additional 1:1 follow up at a reduced rate (Week 13 onwards)

This package is recommended for behaviour issues that have been present for a long time, occur frequently or pose more significant risk to those living with or interacting with the animal. For example aggression between dogs living in the same home; aggression directed towards visitors to the home; or separation anxiety. With these behaviours it is recommended that you receive more intensive ongoing support throughout.