One on One Training

As a team we offer 1:1 training (for things such as puppy training/socialisation, doggy manners, loose lead walking, recall, obedience etc) and behaviour consultations (if you aren’t sure about the packages or would just like a one of session).

The behaviour consultations are for any issues that have an emotional component (fear, anxiety, over-arousal, aggression, reactivity, seperation anxiety etc) and are therefore a bit more complex than training issues. For a behaviour consultation you will be asked to be signed off by your vet prior to a consultation, please bare this in mind before booking.

To book your session please click here - please note: if you are not local to Worcestershire and surrounding areas then your package can be delivered remotely or for an additional cost to cover travel fees.

Training Session - £60

What’s Included?

  • 1 hour session

  • Training plan including resources and handouts

  • Unlimited support via WhatsApp/Messenger

  • Additional 1:1 follow up at a reduced rate

  • Rescue dog discount (10%)

This session is recommended for training issues such as loose lead walking, recall, general obedience/manners, getting your dog used to the vets/new places, muzzle training etc.

Behaviour Assessment - £80

What’s Included?

  • Initial Assesment (Approx. 1 Hours)

  • In your home or at my property (depending on the concern)

  • Full behavioural write up report

  • Suggested Training plan including resources and handouts

  • Additional 1:1 follow up at a reduced rate

This session is recommended for behaviour issues that are more complex and require more time, or pose a higher risk to individuals involved in the management and training of this behaviour (i.e. cases involving reactivity, aggression, fear, seperation anxiety etc).It is always recommended that you book a follow on session to go through the training elements (cost £50) and this is where the packages can be beneficial.